I'm all for using those instead, if folks can point me to them. If your Warden is in an active Romance with Alistair, a small bunch of flowers will appear near the camp entrance, suggesting that you 'Take a stroll with Alistair. The idea for the cutscene arose during a conversation with rosvitacousland, who suggested that even animals are attracted by Alistair's good looks kindness. It's possible that there are now actually better mods that do the same as the above, only improved from the ones I had. This mod adds a cutscene for Wardens who are romancing Alistair.

The one that added a Raven in various locations in the game, including the campsite, that would unlock specializations, and also offered a potion that let you respec (though I think it only offered that once, and it would sure be nice to have unlimited ability to respec) The No Helmet one (it used to put a "No Helmet Rulebook" in your inventory) One that fixed some bugs with Alistair's dialogue One where you got special romance-centric jewelry (with spiffy stats) for Alistair and your female PC - the PC got a ring, and Alistair had a locket. The bad news is that all of the mods for my DAO game poofed somehow (alone with my game saves, but I'm actually less concerned about those as I already intended to do full replays in preparation for DA3) when I got everything installed and such.

So, the good news is that I have a brand-new computer.